100 Things to do in Vienna – Part 1

Do you ever ask yourself: What should I do today? Ask no more! As a public service, we came up with 100 things that you can (and should) definitely do in Vienna. So, get inspired with our bucket list for the most beautiful city in the world!
Marie Amenitsch Aktualisiert am 12.03.2019
(c) https://www.instagram.com/chaulafanita/

This week we’ve had fiece debates in our office , eliminated a lot of points, reinstated them, then got rid of them again to make space for others. We are proud of some, and less of others.  But judge yourself: here is our definitve list of 100 things to do in Vienna. Enjoy Part 1! And, as usual, the items on the list are not listed in any particular order.

100 Things to do in Vienna

1.Take a walk on the Ringstraße and be happy that you live in the city ranked highest in quality of living.

2. In the summer, sit at Museumsquartier and sip on a beer or Spritzwein.

3. In the winter, have a Glühwein or a Punsch at Museumsquartier.

4. Take the tram to a part of the city you haven’t been before.

5. Go in the wrong direction while using the public transportation.

6. On a Sunday, get a newspaper from a Klaubeutel (and pay for it, of course).

7.  Enjoy the view from Kahlen- or Nussberg.

Stadtwanderweg 1
(c) https://www.instagram.com/damngoodcherrypie/

8. Party until 6 am at Volkgarten and get annoyed by the people there.

9. Take a walk through the first district.

10. Take a stroll down the Danube canal.

11. Visit the Hauptuni and imagine you’re at Hogwarts.

12. Push through Mariahilferstrasse on a shopping Saturday.

13. In Autumn, stroll through Vienna’s parks, particularly Stadtpark and Türkenschanzpark!

14. Make up a ridiculous excuse for why you don’t have your U-bahn ticket.

15. Sit at a typical Viennese Beisl until it closes.

Wiener Beisln
(c) https://www.instagram.com/michael.ortner/

16. Stop and smell the roses in Volksgarten.

17. Have a meal at Le Loft, enjoy the view and don’t think about the bill.

18. Take the paternoster elevator at the Rathaus or Justizpalast.

19. Take a Beisltour through all 23 districts.

20. Have brunch on Sunday at the Weltcafé.

21. Visit one of the grandiose Theaters.

(c) Pressefotos Burgtheater | Georg Soulek

22. Have a coffee at the rooftop Dachboden of the 25hours Hotel.

23. Buy unusual delicacies at Meinl am Graben.

24. Stroll around Spittelberg.

25. Count the steps of the Strudlhofstiege.

26. Visit the wonderful Sevitenviertel in the 9th district.

27. Sink into a comfy chair at phil.

28. Enjoy the typical Viennese waiter treatment in a classic Kaffeehaus like the Sperl. 

29. Smell the unique odors emanating from the Ottakringer brewery and Manner waffle factory in the 16th district.

30.  Drink one, maybe two, or even three beers at Café Anzengruber.

31. Watch Tatort (crime series) on a Sunday at the Schikaneder or the Top Kino.

32. Figure out which of the twin museums covers Natural History and which is the Art History one.

33. Ride a bike along the Danube.

wien gut inline-skaten
Radweg in der Lobau (c) Marie Amenitsch

34. Complain about free newspapers like Österreich and Heute, but read them anyway.

35. Line up at the Faschingsprinz (costume shop) on Halloween or Fasching.

36. Watch the video Das Georg aus Wien (and read our interview with him).

37. Watch Before Sunrise and exclaim “I was there!” after every scene.

38. Buy an Augustin newspaper from a seller at Schottentor.

39. Order a 50 Cent cocktail at Loco once (and never again).

40. Go around around the Ring in an old tram.

41. Get stuck in traffic at the Gürtel or the Tangente.

42. Loiter on the lawn of the Burggarten.

43. Get Ketchup and Mustard on your lapel at a Würstelstand.

(c) Philipp Wieser

44. Visit one of many Heurigen Vienna has to offer.

45. Swim in the Danube.

46. Stroll through Brunnenmarkt and sample the panoply of produce.

47. Talk a chance and walk through the part of Mariahilferstrasse where pedestrians, bikes and cars all share the street like one big happy family.

48. Get invited for a beer by a Bierkavalier in the U4.

49. Explore the city with our lifethings “Man bringe den Spritzwein” bag!

50. Eat a Sachertorte.

You can find many more tips and guides for Vienna on our blog.

(c) Beitragsbild | chaulafanita | Instagram

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